7.1 Button tab

Text: change the button text.

Position: change the button and modal position.

7.2 Box tab

Customize box header: customize the header of the assistant box, allowing to add links, images and html.

Customize box footer: customize the footer of the assistant box, allowing to add links, images and html.

7.3 Theme tab

Primary Background: change the color of button, box header and response message box.

Primary Text: change the text color of button, box header and response message box.

Secondary Background: change the color of user message box.

Secondary Text:  change the color text of user message box.

General Background: change the color of the box footer.

General Text: change the color text of the box footer.

Icon Color: change the icon color

Custom CSS: add custom rules of CSS to change copilot appearance.

7.4 Visibility tab

Devices: select if the chatbot appears in all devices, in mobile devices or in desktop devices. Also select to hide the chatbot from all devices.

Target: Select if the chatbot needs to be included or excluded from one or more targets (All, Home, Blog, Search, 404).

Posts: Select if the chatbot needs to be included or excluded from one or more posts.

Pages: Select if the chatbot needs to be included or excluded from one or more pages.

Categories: Select if the chatbot needs to be included or excluded from one or more categories.

Tags: Select if the chatbot needs to be included or excluded from one or more tags.