7. Perfect WooCommerce Brands Shortcodes
These are the current shortcodes available to use in posts or pages.
Display brands carousel
Enables a slider carousel including all brands
[pwb-carousel items="10" items_to_show="5" items_to_scroll="1" image_size="thumbnail" autoplay="true"]
- “items” [int / featured] Total number of brands
- “items_to_show” [int] Number of brands per page
- “items_to_scroll” [int] Number of brands to scroll each time
- “image_size” [thumbnail / medium / large / full / custom size] Brand image size
- “autoplay” [true / false] Carousel autoplay
- “arrows” [true / false] Show or not the navigation arrows
- “hide_empty” [true / false] It hides brands that have no products associated
Display product carousel by brand
Displays a carousel slider including all products of a specified brand
[pwb-product-carousel brand="all" products="10" products_to_show="5" products_to_scroll="1" autoplay="true"]
- “brand” [all / brand slug]
- “products” [int] Total number of products
- “products_to_show” [int] Number of products per page
- “products_to_scroll” [int] Number of products to scroll each time
- “autoplay” [true / false] Carousel autoplay
- “arrows” [true / false] Show or not the navigation arrows
Products of specific brands
Shows shop products that are associated to one or more brands. This shortcode extends the default products shortcode.
[products brands="brand-slug"]
- “brands” [comma separated brand slugs] Show products associated with these brands
- Inherited params from the WooCommerce [products] shortcode
All Brands
A paginated list of all brands and their logos
[pwb-all-brands per_page="10" image_size="thumbnail" hide_empty="true" order_by="name" order="ASC" title_position="before"]
- “title_position” [before/ after / none]
A-Z Listing
Order all brands alphabetically in a list
Display brands of a specific product
It allows you to display brands of a specific product. If "product_id" is empty the shortcode will try to get this value by itself.
[pwb-brand product_id="5" image_size="thumbnail"]
- “product_id” [int / empty] Show brands for this product
- “as_link” [true / false] Show brand image or a text link
- “description” [true / false] Show brand description
- “image_size” [thumbnail / medium / large / full / custom size] Brand image size