2. WP TikTok Feed Installation

In this section, you will learn how to install the WP TikTok Feed plugin using 3 different methods.

2.1 Install Tik Tok Feed From the Wordpress dashboard

1. Go to the WP Admin panel > Plugins > Add new.
2. Use the search box to find “WP Tik Tok Feed”.
3. Click Install and then activate it.

2.2 Install Tik Tok Feed From the cPanel

1. Download the WP TikTok Feed .zip file from here.
2. Unzip the file in your local system. This file contains a folder.
3. Upload this folder through the cPanel to the folder named wp-content/plugins/ of your website’s files.
4. Go to your WordPress admin dashboard and activate the plugin.

2.3 Install Tik Tok Feed using an FTP Client

1. Establish a connection with an FTP client like FileZilla.
2. Download the .zip file from the WordPress repository.
3. Unzip the file in your local system. This file contains a folder.
4. Upload this folder using an FTP client to the folder named wp-content/plugins/.
5 Go to your WordPress dashboard and activate the plugin.