2. WooCommerce Invoice Manager Installation

In this section, you will learn how to install the WooCommerce Invoice Manager plugin using two different methods.

2.1 Install WooCommerce Invoice Manager FREE

1. Order WooCommerce Invoice Manager FREE
2. Download the woocommerce-invoice-manager.zip file from here.
3. Go to the WP Admin panel > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin > Choose File.
4. Select wc-invoice-manager.zip.
5. Click Install and then activate it.

2.2 Install WooCommerce Invoice Manager PRO

1. Purchase WooCommerce Invoice Manager PRO
2. Download the woocommerce-invoice-manager-pro.zip file from here.
3. Go to the WP Admin panel > Plugins > Add new > Upload Plugin > Choose File.
4. Select woocommerce-invoice-manager-pro.zip.
5. Click Install and then activate it.