fix jumping header in divi

How to Fix Jumping Header in Divi? (3 Methods)

Having problems with the jumping header in Divi? You’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll show you 3 methods to easily fix the jumping header issue in Divi step-by-step.

Divi Jumping Header

With millions of users around the world, Divi is one of the most popular WordPress themes out there. It comes with plenty of features that allow you to hide the header, customize the WooCommerce Product page, and even include the Add to Cart Button in Shop pages. However, Divi also has a few common issues. We’ve already seen how to fix the problem with the contact form and today we’ll show you how to fix the jumping header issue.

Many users experience problems with the header in Divi, so in this guide, we’ll see how to fix it. Before we jump into the guide, let’s understand what issues this problem causes and why it occurs. 

What’s the Divi jumping header?

Sometimes, when you visit some sites that use Divi, you notice that when the page is loading, the header isn’t at the top. Instead, it jumps until the page is fully loaded and that’s why it’s known as Divi jumping header. 

Why does the jumping header happen?

The jumping header in Divi occurs due to a conflict between CSS and JavaScript. When you apply changes to your site using the Customizer, Divi uses JavaScript and adds those changes via style attributes to both your padding-top and top values using CSS. The problem is that the browser renders CSS before JavaScript and this delay in the loading time creates the jumping header illusion.

Fix The Jumping Header In Divi - divi customizer

To fix the jumping header in Divi, you need to locate the padding-top and top values and check the padding that is injected using Javascript. Then, simply add them to your stylesheet. Let’s have a look at how to do this.

How to Fix The Jumping Header In Divi?

The best way to fix the jumping header issue in Divi is to manually mention the padding-top and some other CSS class values through the style.css file or the WordPress customizer. Let’s see how to do this step-by-step.

NOTE: To avoid causing any problems on your site, we recommend you test these changes in staging mode first. Some WordPress hosting companies have a staging environment by default but if your hosting provider doesn’t have one, you can also create a local staging environment.

Step 1: Inspection

First, open your website in a browser and run the Inspect tool on your header. Simply place your mouse on the header, right-click, and select Inspect element (or simply Inspect in other browsers). 

inspect tool

In the Inspector tab, look for 2 CSS values.

  • padding-top
  • top

css values

As you can see in our example, the padding-top is 80 px and the top is 32 px. These sizes are automatically generated by the server, so we need to mention them in our website’s style.css file.

Step 2: Adding CSS to Divi

The next step to fix the jumping header issue in Divi is to add CSS code to your theme. Simply copy the following CSS code.

#page-container {
padding-top: 80px;

#main-header {
top: 32px;

These are the values for our website but they may be different for your site, so remember to replace the values accordingly. Now, you need to add this code to your site. There are 3 methods to do this:

  1. Using the Divi Theme Editor
  2. From the WordPress Customizer
  3. Using Code Snippets

Method 1: Divi Theme Editor

The Divi theme comes with an inbuilt theme editor that you can find under Divi > Theme Options > Custom CSS.

divi theme editor

Once you’re there, paste the code you’ve just copied and save the changes.

save Divi css

That’s it! Your jumping header should be fixed!

Method 2: WordPress Customizer – Additional CSS

The second option is to use the WordPress Customizer. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Customize. Then, go to the Additional CSS section and paste the CSS code you’ve copied in the previous step.

Fix The Jumping Header In Divi - adding css

After that, publish the changes and that’s it!

Method 3: Code Snippets

If you don’t feel comfortable adding code directly to your theme’s files, you can use Code Snippets, an excellent tool to add HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript code snippets to your site. 

First, in your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New and look for Code Snippets. Install it and activate it on your website.

Fix The Jumping Header In Divi - add code snippets wordpress plugin

After activating the plugin, you will see the plugin’s settings in the WordPress admin section.

Fix The Jumping Header In Divi - all snippets

Code Snippets allows you to add or edit the existing code on your site. For this demo, we’ll edit the existing CSS snippet. This plugin comes with one dummy CSS snippet by default that you can activate.

Fix The Jumping Header In Divi - edit css

Simply click on the snippet to edit it. Then rename it and add the CSS code you’ve copied in the previous step.

Fix The Jumping Header In Divi - add css snippet

After that simply save the modifications and you are good to go.

Step 3: Clearing Your Cache

After applying the changes on your site, you need to clear the cache. There are many WordPress caching plugins available on the market. If you’re not sure which one to use, choose your favorite from this list.

After installing and activating the caching plugin of your choice, you will need to clear your cache. For example, we’re using WP Fastest Cache, so in our WordPress dashboard, we simply go to the plugin’s settings and press a button to clear the entire WordPress website cache.

Fix The Jumping Header In Divi - clear cache

That’s it! Now your header in Divi won’t jump anymore.


All in all, the jumping header issue in Divi is very common. The good news is that it’s pretty simple to solve too. In this guide, we’ve shown you how to fix this problem by adding a few lines of CSS code to your WordPress installation. There are 3 different ways you can do this:

  • Add the code to your WordPress theme’s style.css file
  • Add the code using the WordPress Customizer
  • Use Code Snippets

All of these methods will fix the jumping header issue, so choose the one that suits you best. Additionally, if after adding the CSS code your header still jumps, remember to clear your cache (local, browser, and DNS cache). You can also access your site from another computer or using incognito mode.

For more tutorials about Divi, check out the following guides:

Finally, we hope you have found this article helpful. If you did, please share this post on social media. Have you experienced any issues with Divi? Did you have any problems following this guide? Let us know in the comments section below.


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