Best WooCommerce plugins to customize My Account page

When you’re running your online store with WooCommerce, you should consider setting up accounts on your website. Allowing users to set up their own My Account Page lets customers store and share with you information, account details, and billing addresses, making the shopping experience more convenient for them.

However, setting up a My Account page can be difficult and annoying if you don’t know where to start. That’s why today, we’ll have a look at some of the best WooCommerce plugins to customize the My Account page.

Why edit the My Account page in WooCommerce?

The My Account page is where you store important information about your customers. Additionally, it’s where your users can manage their accounts’ information, add billing details, addresses, payment methods, and so on. By default, WooCommerce comes with its own My Account page, which is actually a WordPress page that contains the following WooCommerce shortcode.


Considering that it stores important information, the default My Account page that WooCommerce offers is quite basic. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t customize it and make the most of it. By editing the WooCommerce My Account page, you can create and customize custom endpoints that lead to specific tabs under account pages. For example, you can create sections with deals and promotions, set up endpoints with download pages, and much more.

There’s a lot you can do to make the most of your My Account page in your store. The bad news is that customizing it isn’t certainly a child’s play. You can either use PHP scripts or plugins. If you have coding skills, check out our guide to edit the My Account page programmatically, otherwise, the plugins are the way to go.

That’s why in this post, we’ll show you the best WooCommerce plugins to customize the My Account page. Not only do these plugins make it much easier to set up secure account pages for your customers, but they also come with a lot of other features such as customization options, endpoints customizations, tab options, and much more.

Best WooCommerce plugins to customize My Account page

The best plugins to customize the My Account page in WooCommerce are:

  1. StoreCustomizer
  2. Customize My Account for WooCommerce
  3. Custom My Account for WooCommerce
  4. SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs
  5. IconicWP’s WooCommerce Account Pages
  6. WooCommerce Custom My Account pages
  7. YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account page

Our list covers the most convenient tools you can employ to create a great and comfortable My Account page on your website. Let’s take a look at what these plugins have to offer and how you can use them to make the most of them.

1) StoreCustomizer

customize my account page woocommerce - store customizer StoreCustomizer is an excellent plugin freemium plugin to customize any WooCommerce page. This tool allows you to edit everything from menus to the shop page, checkout, and My Account page. You can rename, remove, and add tabs, as well as customize your My Account page style.

It’s worth noting that StoreCustomizer doesn’t override WooCommerce templates but simply adds extra design options to your existing theme. That means that you don’t need to create a child theme to customize the My Account page. Additionally, this fast and lightweight plugin is easy to use and integrates perfectly with WooCommerce.

The free version of StoreCustomizer allows you to rename and remove tabs while with the premium version you can also add tabs and customize the look and feel of your My Account page.

Key features

  • Rename, remove, and add tabs on the My Account page
  • Customize My Account’s page look and feel
  • Doesn’t override WooCommerce templates
  • Has both free and premium versions


StoreCustomizer a freemium plugin. It has a free version with basic features and four premium plans with more advanced features that start at 29 USD per year. If you want to learn how to customize your My Account page using StoreCustomizer, check out this guide.

2) Customize My Account for WooCommerce

plugins to customize my account page - customize my account for WooCommerce ThemeGrill’s Customize My Account for WooCommerce is one of the best options when it comes to My Account customization plugins. This official WooCommerce curated tool gives you the option to add as many custom endpoints and tabs as you want and has an amazing range of endpoint customization options. On top of that, this plugin lets you simplify the endpoints even more. You can group multiple tabs, customize tab content, icons, labels, and much more.

Additionally, this tool comes with its own editor tool to help you customize your My Account page. You can edit color options, background colors, fonts, images, borders, and much with just a click of a button.

Key features

  • An unlimited number of endpoint/tabs with a full range of customization options
  • Live customizer tool with multiple options for endpoint customization
  • Custom CSS support
  • Option to enable user-specific ‘endpoint’ rules for accounts with specific roles


My Account for WooCommerce is a premium tool that starts at 49 USD per year.

3) Custom My Account for WooCommerce

plugins to customize my account page - custom my account for woocommerce With Custom My Account for WooCommerce, you can provide full control of the My Account page customizations to your customers. This plugin lets you create a unified experience for your My Account page by combining all your endpoints in a single page and giving you the option to add as many account page menu options as you want. You can add a custom menu and include additional tabs for custom URLs, image content, contact forms, and much more.

On top of that, you can also choose to add styling for each menu and endpoint item. Additionally, you can also add user-side options to customize the My Account page. This includes including the option to upload your own profile images and combine these endpoints with custom content as well as shortcodes to add any kind of menu item for your My Account page.

Key features

  • Single My account page with the options to add a custom menu with endpoints
  • Unlimited Menu options with styling options
  • Two unique menu styles in the form of tabs or sidebars
  • Supports adding shortcodes and custom text and image content as menu options


Custom My Account for WooCommerce is a premium plugin that starts at 39 USD for one site.

4) SS WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs

plugins to customize my account page - ss woocommerce myaccount ajax tabs

WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs is an excellent plugin designed to help you customize the WooCommerce My Account tabs and convert them into AJAX tabs. If you’re setting up your My Account page to show its endpoints in an inlined content format, then this is the perfect tool for you. Since it is designed to load your tabs using AJAX requests, customers don’t need to refresh their page to navigate the tabs. This makes managing their WooCommerce My Account page much easier and convenient.

Moreover, on the backend, you can choose to customize your My Account page using a beginner-friendly editor that uses a drag and drop sorting list to manage your tabs. You can add an unlimited number of tabs and even set up submenus under tabs. Additionally, this plugin automatically converts extra tabs into submenus, so you can set up additional endpoints under specific menu items.

Key features

  • Designed to convert WooCommerce My Account tabs into AJAX tabs
  • Perfect for building My Account pages with inlined content, which means no refreshing for opening multiple tabs
  • 3 unique tab styles with built-in CSS styling options
  • Supports custom shortcodes, custom content, sliders, as well as Javascript content


WooCommerce Myaccount Ajax Tabs is available in CodeCanyon for 29 USD.

5) WooCommerce Account Pages by IconicWP

plugins to customize my account page - woocommerce account pages iconic IconicWP’s WooCommerce Account Pages is a great choice to consider if you want your My Account page to look as unique as possible. Stand out from every other WooCommerce store out there with unique tabbed links on the My Account pages. You can also set up an unlimited number of pages under your My account page that automatically shows up as tabbed links.

The plugin is fully integrated with WooCommerce and WordPress, so not only will your tabs work perfectly, but also the interface will feel completely familiar to you. The tab customization and creation interface looks identical to the post or page screen so the experience is completely seamless.

Key features

  • Easy to use Interface with unlimited pages and tabs to build
  • Tabbed sub-page links with page reordering features
  • Supports shortcodes as well as shortcode rendering inside My Account pages
  • Fully translation ready and beginner-friendly


IconicWP’s WooCommerce Account Pages is a premium tool that starts at 49 USD per year.

6) WooCommerce Custom My Account Pages

WooCommerce Custom My Account pages provide you a way to design clean and comfortable My Account pages that supports a large assortment of content. You can build tabs with 11 different content types including carts, orders, recent products, featured products, and much more. You can also add custom user metadata and shortcodes to your tabs, as well as limit tabs based on user roles.

This tool also offers many styling options and includes a tab layout for your My Account pages. Additionally, you can rename, reorder, and even disable My Account tabs on the fly to edit your pages with ease.

Key features

  • Simple and user-friendly design, especially when it comes to managing tabs
  • Supports more than 11 content types
  • Full tab styling options with 3 unique layouts
  • Supports shortcodes and even custom user metadata in tabs


Custom My Account Pages will set you back 29 USD for a regular license.

7) YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page is one of the best plugins to customize your My Account page. This tool allows you to set up My Account pages perfectly designed for WooCommerce stores and includes downloadable files, video tutorials, product news, coupon tabs, and much more. Additionally, you can add product promotions and even show promotional offers, discount coupons, and alerts directly to your customers on their My Account pages.

This plugin also comes with the option to fully customize the layout of the My Account pages. You can edit My Account tabs and specific page sections as well as menu labels content and even positions of your tabs. On top of that, you can choose menu positions and menu layouts as well as add your own custom endpoints and even group them for your needs.

Key features

  • Featured enriched, modern design that fully compliments WooCommerce stores
  • Supports promotional content as well as dynamic content to be enabled directly on the My Account pages
  • Unique My Account layout customization with multiple menu options and layouts
  • A large number of integrations with popular YITH and WooCommerce plugins


YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page starts at 60 USD for a single site.

Are there free plugins to customize the My Account page?

There are a few free plugins that allow you to customize the My Account page in WooCommerce such as Custom My Account for WooCommerce or WooCustomizer. However, they’re both pretty limited regarding the number of options they provide to edit the My Account pages. They also have premium plans with more features but if you’re going for a premium plugin, we recommend one of the tools mentioned in our list.

To know how to use some of these plugins, you can check out this post.

Are there other ways to edit the My Account page?

Yes! If you have coding skills, you can code your own solution and customize it as much as you want. You can edit the My Account page either by overriding WooCommerce template files or using WooCommerce hooks.

If you want to know more about this and learn to customize the My Account page programmatically, check out this full guide.


And that concludes our list of the best WooCommerce plugins to customize the My Account page. Even though it contains very important information about your users, the default page that comes with WooCommerce is pretty basic. That’s why by editing it, you can be a step ahead of your competitors and make the most of it.

Your customer’s experience is one of the most important things to consider when it comes to setting up your WooCommerce store, so having a UX-focused My Account page can help you make an impression on your users.

Apart from helping you save customer information and set up additional account-based features for your website, an optimized My Account page can help you increase your sales. By including special deals and offers you can give shoppers a reason to check out your store and boost your sales.

Finally, if you want to customize other sections of your website and make it more user-friendly, check out the following guides:

Do you know of any other plugins to edit your My Account page? Which one do you use on your site? Let us know in the comments section below!