

This WordPress Mega Menu is a responsive menu, which means that the layout will fit all screen sizes. Its main advantage over other alternatives is that the touch screen events have been incorporated natively, substantially improving the user experience in touch screens.


QuadMenu offers a variety of layouts. This is the first mega menu that’s an all-in-one solution, as you’ll be able to create a horizontal or vertical menu in desktop devices and collapsible or off-canvas menus on mobile.

Drag & Drop

The drag and drop admin panel is another key feature that makes QuadMenu stand out from other mega menus. From the native menu administration panel, you can manage all the content of your mega menu through a drag and drop interface. This interface allows you to add new elements, create columns, and add widgets or any other type of element available in the native WordPress menu meta boxes.


QuadMenu offers smooth integration with the customizer dashboard. This premium feature is especially important if you want to include this plugin in your theme’s project. QuadMenu allows you and your end-users to tweak all the menu color scheme or layout settings, and see the effects of those changes in real-time.


QuadMenu has been designed by developers for developers. For them, we have included a vast number of filters that let you change the style and behavior of your WordPress Menu, simplifying the integration with your products.

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Agency, Developer, Personal


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