How to mass unfollow connections on LinkedIn in 2022

Do you want to clean your LinkedIn connections list? In this post, we will teach you how to mass unfollow connections on LinkedIn with both a script and a Chrome extension.

Why unfollow contacts in bulk on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the most popular social network for professionals. It’s an excellent platform to get to know people from your industry, engage with other businesses, generate leads for your business, and much more. However, sometimes you may get carried away and follow a lot of people that it’s not relevant for you. So, you end up with a feed full of publications that you’re not interested in.

To solve this, you can simply unfollow the people you don’t want to follow anymore and clean your LinkedIn. You can do this is by going to the Connections section and unfollow each contact manually. The problem is that unfollowing connections one by one can be time-consuming if you want to unfollow many contacts. The good news is that there’s a hack to mass unfollow connections on LinkedIn. Let’s see how to do it.

Methods to mass unfollow connections on LinkedIn

There are two ways to unfollow connection in bulk on LinkedIn:

  1. With a script
  2. With an extension

Both methods work very well. We’ll describe each of them so you can decide which one to use depending on the number of people you want to unfollow.

1) Mass unfollow connections on LinkedIn with a script

There are two ways to mass unfollow your LinkedIn connections with a script.

  • Soft: It will unfollow people who are visible on your screen
  • Hard: To unfollow all your connections

Considering how risky the hard approach is, we recommend using the soft method. Let’s have a look at each alternative.

Soft unfollow

With this method, you will unfollow only the connections that are visible on your screen.

  1. First, log in to your LinkedIn account.
  2. Go to
  3. Right-click anywhere on the screen, and click Inspect. Unfollow connections in bulk on linkedin php soft version
  4. Then, go to the Console view and paste the following code:
    var c = document.querySelectorAll(""); for (i in c) { c[i].click() }
    unfollow connections in bulk LinkedIn php soft method
    If that code gives you an error, try using this one:

    const buttons = [...document.querySelectorAll('')]; for (let i=0; i < buttons.length; i++) setTimeout(() => buttons[i].click(), i * 1000)
  5. Press Enter. You will see that you have unfollowed all the connections on the screen.
  6. Then, scroll down until you see connections that you’re still following and repeat the process.

Hard unfollow

Be aware that with this method, you will unfollow all your connections. Please note that we do NOT recommend using this approach. The soft unfollow method is safer and less aggressive so we encourage you to use that one. But if you want to go ahead and unfollow all your LinkedIn connections in bulk, simply follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  2. Go to the contacts page or follow this URL:
  3. Right-click anywhere on the screen, and click Inspect.
  4. Go to the Console view and paste the following code:
    (() => {
      let count = 0;
      function getAllButtons() {
        return document.querySelectorAll('') || [];
      async function unfollowAll() {
        const buttons = getAllButtons();
        for (let button of buttons) {
          count = count + 1;
          const name = button.parentElement.querySelector(
          console.log(`Unfollow #${count}:`, name);
          window.scrollTo(0, button.offsetTop - 260);
          await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
      async function run() {
        await unfollowAll();
        window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
        await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
        const buttons = getAllButtons();
        if (buttons.length) run();
  5. Press Enter. After a few moments, you will see that you have unfollowed all your connections on LinkedIn.
  6. To know more about this script, you can visit the developer’s page on GitHub.

If the above script to hard unfollow doesn’t work, try this other script.

On the other hand, if you don’t feel comfortable with the script method, you can easily mass unfollow your connections on LinkedIn with a Chrome extension.

2) Unfollow connections in bulk on LinkedIn with an extension

There are several tools in the market to mass unfollow your contacts on LinkedIn. Here, we will explain how to use the Superpowers for LinkedIn extension. This tool allows you to unfollow connections in bulk in a few clicks. You can unfollow people, out-of-network contacts, and companies, as well as ignore received invitations and withdraw the invitations you’ve sent. So now, let’s see how to use LinkedIn Unfollower.

  1. First, add the extension to Chrome.
  2. After a few seconds, you will see the Superpowers icon in the toolbar. This tool works directly on the Search people view, Group members view, and Sales Navigator on LinkedIn.
  3. To mass unfollow connections, go to your LinkedIn and head to the following section (
  4. Press the option to select all the connections and then confirm
  5. Superpowers for LinkedIn will start performing the action you selected. Keep in mind that this can take some minutes.
  6. Wait until it finishes and that’s it!

If you want another extension with more advanced features, you can try LinkedIn Helper (freemium) or Following Like (premium).


All in all, mass unfollow connections on Linkedin can help you keep your contact list clean and remove all the people that you’re not interested in having in your network. There are two main ways to unfollow connections in bulk:

  • With a script
    • Soft
    • Hard
  • With a Chrome extension

Even though all of these methods work, we recommend you use the soft script. This approach only unfollows connections visible on the screen so it’s not as aggressive as the other options.

Have you tried any of these methods to mass unfollow contacts on LinkedIn? Do you know any others? Let us know in the comment section below!


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