one site license
$99limited offer
  • 1 Site activation
  • 1 Year of automatic updates
  • 1 Year of personalized support
  • Feature License renew
  • Feature License upgrade
  • Feature Include license order email
  • Feature Add licenses tab in products
  • Feature Add licenses tab in account
  • Feature Add licenses tab in dashboard
  • Feature Valiate envato licenses


unlimited sites licenses
$199limited offer
  • Unlimited Site activations
  • 1 Year of automatic updates
  • 1 Year of personalized support
  • Feature License renew
  • Feature License upgrade
  • Feature Include license order email
  • Feature Add licenses tab in products
  • Feature Add licenses tab in account
  • Feature Add licenses tab in dashboard
  • Feature Valiate envato licenses

Licensesfor simple products

Includes support for simple WooCommerce products by just activating the license checkbox.

Activate licenses on simple products

You can include a license on any simple product by just activating the license checkbox.

Config your license

You'll be able to config your licenses based on an extensive settings panel. To find out more about the license options, please check our documentation here.

Automatic updates

Enable or disable automatic updates and allow your plugin users to receive automatic updates through their WordPress dashboard.

Licensesfor variable products

Includes support for variable WooCommerce products by just activating the license checkbox.

Activate license on variable products

You can include a license on any variable products by just activating the license checkbox.

Config each variation license

You'll be able to config your license setting for each product variation. To find out more about the license options, please check our documentation here.

Remove or ban licenses activations

You can manage all the activations related to the licenses in the order.

Manage licenses inside orders

Our licenses managment system allows you to edit the licenses settings directly inside its parent order.

Add edit or delete licenses

You can edit or remove existing licenses or create new licenses related to the order.

Edit each license settings

You can edit each license's settings like expiration time, activations limit, or email requirement.

Remove or ban licenses activations

You can manage all the activations related to the licenses in the order.

User: demo. Pass: demo
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Headless integrationwith WordPress

We've created a easy integration with the WordPress admin dashboard to allow automatic updates.

Automatic updates

Enable or disable automatic updates and allow your plugin users to receive automatic updates through their WordPress dashboard.

Admin dashboard updates notification

You can allow our license client to display a notification in the admin dashboard when a new update is available,

Dashboard modal information

You can allow our license client to display modal information with the premium plugin features.

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Licenses keys manager

Our plugin includes a new section called Licenses Keys where you'll be able to access the entire license database.

User: demo. Pass: demo
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Activations manager

Our plugin includes a new section called Licenses Activations where you'll be able to access the entire license database.

User: demo. Pass: demo
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Advanced report

Show fields based on parent field values and improve the checkout user experience.

Licenses created

Select the conditional parent field and hide the current field based on the parent value.

Activations created

Our system detects the parent field type and allows you select the value based on the available options.

User: demo. Pass: demo
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Renew licenses

WooCommerce Licenses Manager allows your users to easily renew their licenses directly through their accounts.

User: demo. Pass: demo
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Upgrade licenses

WooCommerce Licenses Manager allows your users to easily upgrade their licenses directly through their accounts.

Custom page with upgrade options

The users can upgrade their licenses between the variation options directly through their accounts.

Activate or deactivate upgrade options

Site admins are allowed to activate or deactivate each upgrade option and set a custom price.

User: demo. Pass: demo
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Upgrade options

Admins can manage the upgrade options trought a very easy and intuitive panel.

Show licenses in the user account

You can include a section on the user account to display the licenses purchased by the user.

User: demo. Pass: demo
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Rest API

The plugin includes Rest API with all the endpoints you need to control the licenses in your site.

Endpoint to manage licenses

Through the endpoint, you'll be able to create, delete or update licenses.

Endpoint to manage activations

Through this endpoint, you'll be able to create or delete license activations.

Endpoint to get product information

Through this endpoint, you'll be able get all the product information.

View documentation