Our Goals


We provide outstanding and lightning fast support with a response time of less than 6 hs


We built our products following the best SEO practices and latest website standards

Load Time

Our products have lightweight code and get the highest grades in most speed testing tools

Pages & Posts

Reach international audiences translating our products into your own language

Social Chat

An effective way of improving your business customer service

Our Social Chat plugin is a great tool to improve your customer service. It allows your users to start a conversation from your website directly to your WhatsApp phone number with one click.

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WooCommerce Direct Checkout

WooCommerce Direct Checkout is the perfect tool to simplify the checkout page and increase your conversions.

It allows you to skip the shopping cart page and redirect your customers from the product page to the checkout.

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WordsPress Instragram Feed

The embed WordPress Instagram Feed allows you to display pictures from your Instagram account on your site as a gallery or a carousel slider.

Simply paste your Instagram access token, configure gallery settings and your pictures will be visible on your site.

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The best WordPress Mega Menu

QuadMenu is the most powerful and versatile WordPress mega menu plugin. With an intuitive interface and seamless configuration, you can set it up in just minutes, transforming your site's navigation into a visually stunning and user-friendly experience.

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