Here we are again! This is a hot topic for everyone who owns a WordPress website, just as hot as WordPress itself – the topic is how to boost traffic to your WordPress website!
How many years has WordPress been in the game? 16 already! Yet it’s only getting more popular every day! Nowadays, over 500 websites make their debut on WordPress each day. And that is 4 to 6 times more than the number of sites built on some other platforms (statistics from Kinsta). We are all happy with our ever-enlarged WordPress community. More friends, more chances. But there is more competition too. I’m talking about your rivals using this extraordinary platform to get customers. A cake is a cake; its shares are not endless, no matter how big. Since WordPress is a very delicious cake, the battle gets fiercer. The more websites are built, the more competition to draw traffic.
So, how to win? How do you get the lion’s share of WordPress and become one of your niche’s top traffic-attracting WordPress websites? Multiple answers exist, but you must decide which fits your website most! Still clueless? Here, I have handpicked the top 10 ways that are easy to carry out, quick to impact your sites, and, more importantly, suitable for most cases.
As you have the gist, let’s scroll through the “10 Tips to Boost Traffic to your WordPress Website!”
1. Pay Attention to Content Quality
I have emphasized in many of my articles that content always comes first on the priority list – that’s also my working motto!
Especially for new WordPress sites, content matters. Good content is the quickest way to build your reputation; harmful content is why it will never take off. Just put yourself into the position of a visitor. How would it be if you were so eager to learn and anxious to find solutions, then accidentally read a non-sense and uninformative article?
Not ideal at all, right? Then, make sure your information is accurate, diverse, valuable, and free of mistakes – any mistake, from grammar to spelling. And with that, you can be sure about the traffic you will get!
2. Optimize SEO Before Posting
One of the fastest ways to become a popular WordPress website with a great traffic flow is to top Google’s ranking. But how your articles get displayed on Google ranking also matters a lot!
First impressions are always essential, so keep in mind these two things before publishing anything:
- The Title: Know what your customers need, research the keywords, and then be specific with your title. Or else, there are chances that your customers will miss out on your stuff.
- The Description: Give your post a meta description to clarify what will be included. This will earn the love of your visitors.
3. Broaden Your Circle
Enlarging your networking circle by making friends in your niche is also a proven way to get more traffic. You can do so by participating in relevant groups, sharing experiences, discussing, help people with their problems. Once you have earned their fondness, they will likely drop by your WordPress site and share content.
Remember to do the same for them, though! Visiting their blogs and leaving some comments will help in the long term.
4. Take Good Care of Social Media
As social media sites like Google, Instagram, Twitter, etc., are taking over the whole Internet, you have to make a presence on these sites! It’s a great traffic source, a source you must not ignore.
Thus, if you haven’t, please do yourself a favor and set up personal and brand accounts on these platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Reddit, etc. – anything your target customers may be present on. Once you do, bear in mind two things:
- Do not spam your followers ever! Understandably, you want to share all of your stuff. But it will have a reverse effect. So, do it gently and carefully – share suitable content and accompany it with a caption. Don’t be a machine!
- Help visitors to share your content as well! There is a good chance that they will spread your messages if they find them useful. Be a thoughtful site owner by saving them from the burden of copying and pasting links. Instead, install sharing buttons on your site. Use social sharing plugins!
5. Host Events Sometimes
Events like a giveaway or a small contest with some attractive prizes could bring you a significant surge of traffic if done correctly.
It would be awesome if you could design and create the prizes yourself, but it is already a good idea to have available free stuff as prizes. Make it simple, too! If you go with a contest, don’t make it tricky. It’d better trigger your visitors to re-blog, share on social media, or send to friends.
The more widespread it is, the more traffic you will get for the event and the period afterward, too.
6. Do Guest Blogging
I practiced this tactic a lot when I was younger, and this exceptionally fits WordPress writers.
The idea is simple. You ask another website of the same niche to feature your article. This article should contain a link inserted in the description or elsewhere that leads back to your WordPress site. They get a free article. You get traffic—a win-win situation. Of course, they might ask you to do the same thing, which you should agree to. After all, the more the merrier.
7. Track Your Performance Regularly
Oh! Do you have Google Analytics on your WordPress site? If not, get up and install it right away, please. For a long time, this has been the easiest yet most effective way to get insights into the traffic you get.
Thanks to the advancement of Google Analytics, you will know the specific posts that do better than the others, the location most of your traffic comes from, whether you are using the right keywords or targeting the right customers, etc. Everything will be revealed with just a simple install of a simple and accessible tool. Once you get the insights, you can make the necessary changes to improve your site’s performance and remove its weaknesses.
8. Create Interlinks
Do you wonder why interlinks are critical to boosting traffic to your WordPress websites? Well, because in some cases, it is the fastest, even maybe the only way, to get customers to browse around your site!
Thus, include as many interlinks as possible in your article. With interlinks, you subtly show your customers around by triggering their thirst for knowledge! However, you may find it traumatizing to search for post titles that contain the keywords you want to link to. To ease the process, you could lean on Better Internal Link Search. This plugin will help you track all the posts and page titles that contain your searched keywords!
9. Improve Page Loading Speed
Most of us know the two metrics – new and returning visits, right? Unique visits mean the number of unique visitors coming to your WordPress website while returning visitors revisit your site after their first visit. Having explained, you are doing well if your number of returning visits is high! In the other case, something is wrong. In most cases, it is the loading speed!
We are all humans, working and rushing towards and spare no time to wait! Respecting your customers by not having them wait for your site to load is a smart strategy. Whatever you do, make sure your website loads as fast as possible! Only then will they appreciate your hospitality and keep coming back as a reward.
Google PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix will offer a more precise look into how your site performs regarding page speed and give suggestions.
10. Don’t Forget the Website Design
Talking about humans, one more characteristic I observe is that we admire beauty. WordPress visitors are the same! No one wants to come back to a poorly designed and unattractive website. For example, do you want to read a book in a beautiful café? Or an ugly one?
Then think about your visitors! Make your site responsive, install a well-coded and eye-catching theme, and have it uniquely designed for yourself if you must. And then, traffic will automatically come your way.
Do you know any other method to boost traffic to your WordPress website?
Let us know in the comments!