9 Best WordPress Voting Plugins You Should Know

Are you searching for WordPress voting plugins to gather user feedback? You’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ve selected 9 of the best WordPress voting plugins to assist you in finding the perfect one for your website. Let’s begin with an explanation of what WordPress voting plugins are.

What Are WordPress Voting Plugins and Why Use Them?

WordPress voting plugins allow you to add voting functionality to your website. With these plugins, you can create polls, surveys, or contests that let your readers vote on different options. These plugins help engage your audience and gather feedback from them. You might want to use a voting plugin on your website for many reasons—for example,

  • Get feedback from your readers: Polls and surveys are the best ways to gather feedback from your audience. You can ask them what they like or dislike about your content, what topics they want to see more of, or what products or services interest them.
  • Increase engagement: Voting plugins can help you increase engagement on your website. Readers who vote on a poll or survey are likelier to stay on your site longer and interact with your content.
  • Create a sense of community: By allowing your readers to vote on different options, you create a sense of community on your website. People can see what others are interested in and feel like they are part of a group.
  • More Traffic and Social Shares: Online polls will also capture more traffic to your website.

What to Look for in WordPress Voting Plugins?

When looking for WordPress voting plugins, remember a few things.

  • Easy to use: First, ensure the plugin is easy to use and install. You don’t want to spend much time figuring out how to use it.
  • Features: The plugin features should meet your poll or survey requirements. Extra features mean more benefits.
  • Customizable: Ensure that the plugin is customizable so you can match it to the design of your website.
  • Reliable: The plugin should be trustworthy so as not to crash your website.
  • Reviews and ratings: Reviews and ratings show people’s real-time experience using a plugin. The plugin should have good reviews and ratings from other users.
  • Cost: The plugin should come at reasonable prices.

Best 9 WordPress Voting Plugins You Should Check

The nine plugins we are going to list are:

  • WPForms
  • YOP Poll
  • Poll, Survey, Form & Quiz Maker by OpinionStage
  • TS Poll
  • TotalPoll
  • UserFeedback
  • Poll Maker
  • WP Poll Maker
  • Democracy Poll

Each plugin has unique integrations and features. Below, we will explain how each plugin can help add a voting system to your website. You can choose a plugin based on your preferences.

Without any further ado, let’s get into the list.

1. WPForms


WPForms is number one in our list of the best WordPress voting plugins. This plugin has highly configurable and customizable poll forms with many polling options. You can add multiple options for the question and various questions in a single poll form. WPForms has pre-built poll form templates to simplify your task, so you don’t have to start from scratch.

WPForms not only lets you create polls with text but also allows you to add images to your poll. Enabling Image Choices toggle in your multiple-choice poll will make your poll attractive and visual. You can also change the layout of your polls using WPForms’ no-code form styling features. This allows you to change the color of your voting, buttons, fields, and more. It ensures that your polls will be consistent with your theme by using the right colors throughout the form.

For more advanced poll surveys and forms, you can use matrix fields and star ratings like Likert Scales and Net Promoter Score. Additionally, you can add your poll to any page, post, and sidebar using the WPForms widget within the WordPress block editor. Using WPForms, you can embed your poll without dealing with shortcodes.


  • Interactive Reports
  • Real-time surveys
  • Form templates
  • Entry management
  • NPS surveys


WPForms is a freemium plugin, and the free version can be downloaded from the repository. Their premium version costs $49/year. You can download it from their official website.

2. YOP Poll

YOP Poll

YOP Poll is another of the best WordPress Voting plugins for adding an online poll to a WordPress website. Adding a poll to a blog post or web page with the YOP Poll plugin is easy, and you can handle the polls right from your WordPress dashboard.

YOP Poll grants you the freedom to schedule your polls with ease. Whether you prefer to run multiple polls simultaneously or set them to run one after the other, this plugin adapts to your needs. You can also create, edit, clone, and delete polls any time, whenever you find it necessary.

YOP Poll has a simple and intuitive design. It can be customized with shortcodes and widget functionality that will work perfectly with your WordPress website. You can also display your poll results by percentage, number, or both.


  • Create/ Edit / Clone/Delete poll
  • Poll scheduling
  • Display polls
  • Poll results
  • Add custom fields


YOP Poll is a freemium plugin that can be downloaded for free from the WordPress plugin repository. The pro plugin costs $27 one-time for one site and has a 30-day money-back guarantee.

3. Poll, Survey & Quiz Maker Plugin by Opinion Stage

Poll, Survey & Quiz Maker Plugin

Poll, Survey & Quiz Maker Plugin is an easy-to-use plugin for running advanced and straightforward polls. It is user-friendly and doesn’t require any code knowledge. You can build your content from scratch or get a quick start with a pre-built template, survey maker, and AI quiz.

The Poll, Survey, and Quiz Maker Plugin has a simple interface allowing you to create optimized content easily. This plugin offers many customization features, including White label options, custom fonts, color themes, logos, CSS, smart logic, and customizable social sharing buttons.

With this plugin, you can add GIFs, videos, images, and emojis to your content. You can also ask different quizzes, including yes/no, true/false, multiple-choice, star rating, open-ended, and scale. You will also get automatic real-time visual reports, including performance reports, drop-offs, and results.


  • No-code, user-friendly platform
  • 100s of templates
  • Automatic reports
  • Responsive design
  • Custom CSS


Poll, Survey & Quiz Maker Plugin by Opinion Stage is a freemium plugin. You can download its free version from the WordPress plugin repository, and the pro version costs $25/month for one user.

4. TS Poll

TS Poll

TS Poll stands tall among the best WordPress Voting plugins that allow you to use Shortcode and Gutenberg to do a poll or survey. If you wish to add simple, professional-looking polls to your website, your search ends here. This plugin is precisely what you need. With this plugin, you can create excellent polls on the WordPress website. It offers powerful features, allowing you to design beautiful, eye-catching polls easily.

With TS Poll, managing and displaying poll results on your site is a breeze. You can showcase polls in WordPress widgets, pages, and posts. Moreover, its intuitive interface offers a variety of settings for each poll, including the option to display results before or after voting. Rest assured, using TS Poll is a user-friendly experience.

In addition, TS Poll offers an unlimited number of polls and has a responsive design. To attract global users, you can create polls in any language. You will also get a clone button to duplicate a poll and theme.


  • Gutenberg block
  • Fully Responsive plugin
  • User-friendly interface
  • Create, edit, trash, and delete polls
  • Easy to customize


TS Poll is a freemium plugin. You can download the free version from the WordPress plugin directory. The premium version costs $15 a year, and you can get it from their official website.

5. TotalPoll

TotalPoll voting plugin

TotalPoll is a simple and customizable plugin that allows you to create different polls, such as competitions and image polls. Its comprehensive design allows for the creation and management of exciting polls. TotalPoll offers extra choice formats like images, text, audio, and video. You can also set poll results visibility and voting restrictions for visitors.

TotalPoll provides smooth integration, making displaying polls on your WordPress website, posts, and widgets easy. Its user-friendly interface offers a range of settings for each poll, giving you complete control over your voting quiz, questionnaire, or survey. You can customize colors, text, and design to match your website theme seamlessly and create a consistent visual experience.

You can create multiple questions per poll with infinite choices. TotalPoll is SEO-optimized to maximize organic visibility and online traffic. You will also get data insights to understand your visitors’ opinions better. This plugin integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, MailChimp, Google Analytics, Mycred, and reCaptcha.


  • Responsive and customizable
  • User-friendly and intuitive
  • SEO optimized
  • Data insights
  • Secure and reliable design


TotalPoll is freemium plugin. You can download it for free from the WordPress plugin directory. The pro plugin costs $99/year for one site. The business version costs $239/year with ultimate site activations. You can download premium versions from their official website.

6. User Feedback

UserFeedback voting plugin

User Feedback is another simple and easy-to-use WordPress voting plugin. It has a straightforward setup and requires only a few seconds to launch a pool or survey without code knowledge. You can create unlimited surveys and questions in your surveys to get user feedback. Interestingly, its robust reporting feature lets you see results and real-time feedback on your WordPress dashboard.

User Feedback offers many question types, including radio buttons, star ratings, checkboxes, and text boxes. You can also decide whether the poll will run on a single page or the entire site. Moreover, this plugin allows you to target specific audiences based on their devices, be they mobile, tablet, or desktop.

User Feedback lets you schedule your poll or survey timing as well. You can use 20+ pre-built templates for all types of websites, so you don’t have to start from scratch. You can also export data to analyze the results. Lastly, it integrates perfectly with MonsterInsights and Google Analytics.


  • Easy setup
  • Powerful reporting
  • Unlimited surveys/polls and questions
  • Page level targeting
  • Time-based targeting


User Feedback is a freemium plugin. You can download it free from the WordPress plugin directory. Its pro version costs $99/year for five sites. You can download it from their official site.

7. Poll Maker

Poll Maker voting plugin

Poll Maker is an excellent option for creating a poll with the ability to customize images, backgrounds, colors, and borders. It is a powerful plugin that allows you to create a simple survey in 3 simple steps. Poll Maker offers seven types of online polls, including choosing, rating, voting, like/dislike, dropdown, range, VS, and text. You can activate Multivote functionality by selecting these types. This will allow your visitors to give multiple answers to your questions.

By enabling the “results notification” by email in the form’s settings, you will stay informed with an email each time a vote is submitted. This feature ensures you are always in control of the poll’s progress. Redirection is a highly effective technique for increasing your website traffic. You can engage visitors with interactive polls and redirect them to another webpage after voting.

With Poll Maker, you can also schedule the poll for a specific period. Moreover, you can create a password-protected poll so only particular people can vote. Lastly, you can hide or display the voting result right after the voting.


  • Seven poll types
  • Notify admin by email
  • Redirection
  • Scheduled polls
  • Password protected polls


Poll Maker is a freemium plugin. You can download it free from the WordPress plugin directory. The Pro version costs $75/one-time for five websites.

8. WP Poll Maker

WP Poll Maker voting plugin

WP Poll Maker is another simple but powerful voting plugin in our list of WordPress voting plugins. It allows you to create voting contests, polls, and online elections to get user feedback and increase your site performance. It also has templates and an add-on system to make voting more interesting. You can even schedule the start and end times of voting.

WP Poll Maker lets you use a shortcode to add a poll anywhere on your page or post. You can customize the poll colors according to your website’s colors or theme. You can also control the visibility of poll results from your users. This plugin has an In-List and grid-style user interface for a seamless user experience.

WP Poll Maker offers hCaptcha to secure your poll from bots and spammers. To make your voting private, you can also set a password to get feedback from a specific audience. Additionally, you can allow users to comment on polls to get their input.


  • Easy setup
  • Comes with templates and an Add-on System
  • Control result visibility
  • Schedule voting
  • hCaptcha


WP Poll Maker is a freemium plugin. You can download it free from the WordPress Plugin directory. The pro version costs €299 for five websites.

9. Democracy Poll

Democracy Poll voting plugin

Democracy Poll is the last plugin on our list of the best WordPress voting plugins. It is a highly customizable plugin that allows you to create single or multiple voting. You can even allow visitors to add new answers according to their wishes. You can also set the poll’s date to schedule the start and end pooling dates.

Democracy Poll offers your visitors the flexibility to provide multiple answers to a single question, reflecting the diverse opinions of your audience. Visitors can even change their vote if their opinion evolves, ensuring their voices are always heard. This plugin seamlessly integrates with cache plugins like Super Cache, Quick Cache, WP Total Cache, WordFence, etc., enhancing its compatibility and ease of use.

With Democracy Poll, you can clean poll history and remember users by their WP profiles, IPs, and cookies. You can also add new polls to any post. You will also get a Quick Edit button for Admin, a plugin menu in the toolbar, and inline CSS and JS. Lastly, you can customize your poll with various design options to match your website’s aesthetic.


  • Single and multiple voting
  • Set the poll’s end date.
  • Different design
  • Inline CSS & JS included
  • Plugin menu in the toolbar


Democracy Poll is a free plugin; you can download it from the WordPress plugin directory.


In conclusion, WordPress voting plugins offer a convenient way to engage and interact with website visitors. These plugins can help increase engagement, gather valuable feedback, and enhance the overall user experience by allowing users to vote on content, products, or other items.

Whether you’re running a blog, an online store, or a community website, integrating a voting plugin can be a great way to encourage user participation and make data-driven decisions. With a wide range of options available, from simple like/dislike buttons to more sophisticated polling systems, WordPress voting plugins provide versatile solutions for various website needs.

If you want a premium voting plugin, use WPForms, which offers highly configurable and customizable poll forms. But if you want a reasonably priced plugin, go for YOP Poll. Its one-time subscription makes it a suitable choice. If you are a new user and don’t want to spend money, you can go for Democracy Poll.

Do you use any WordPress voting plugins?

Which plugin do you use?

Tell us in the comment section below.

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