Enfold theme alternatives

7 Best Enfold Theme Alternatives You Should Know

Are you looking for the best Enfold theme alternatives? If you are, keep reading this article. In this article, we will show you seven themes you can use instead of Enfold.

But before moving further, let’s see what to look for in the Enfold theme alternatives.

What to Look for In Enfold Theme Alternatives

When you are looking for the best Enfold theme alternatives, consider these factors:

  • Design and Customization Options: An excellent alternative to Enfold should offer a wide range of design options and customization features. This includes modifying layouts, colors, fonts, and other visual elements to match your brand or personal preferences.
  • User-Friendliness and Ease of Use: The theme should be intuitive and easy to use, especially for non-tech-savvy users. Look for themes that offer a user-friendly interface and robust customization tools.
  • Responsive Design: In today’s mobile-driven world, your theme must be responsive, adapting well to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience for all visitors.
  • Support and Updates: The theme developer should provide regular updates and have a responsive support team to address any issues or questions that may arise. This ensures your website remains secure and up-to-date.
  • Performance and Speed: A fast-loading website is essential for user experience and SEO. Look for themes that are optimized for performance and have good page load times.

Now you know what to look for when searching for Enfoild theme alternatives. In the next section, we will move to the article’s core, listing the top themes you can use instead of Enfold.

Best Enfold Theme Alternatives You Should Try

The themes are:

  1. Divi
  2. Avada
  3. TheGem
  4. Kadence
  5. OceanWP
  6. Astra
  7. GeneratePress

Each theme has unique features. Below, we will list what makes each one unique. You can choose a theme based on your preferences.

Without any further ado, let’s get into the list.

1. Divi

Divi theme

Divi is a popular WordPress theme and website builder known for its flexibility, user-friendly interface, and extensive customization options. It’s a product of Elegant Themes, a company developing WordPress themes and plugins for over a decade. Divi’s powerful and intuitive drag-and-drop page builder makes it unique.

It allows users to create and customize their websites without any coding knowledge, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced web developers. Divi comes with over 2,000 premade website layouts and templates that you can use to set up your website quickly. These layouts are fully customizable, so you can make them your own.

With Divi, you can create global elements that can be used across your entire website. This makes it easy to maintain a consistent design and update your site quickly. The community of users will also share tips, tutorials, and resources, making it easy to find help and inspiration.


  • Drag-and-drop page builder
  • Premade layouts and templates
  • Responsive design
  • Global elements
  • Split testing


Divi is a premium WordPress theme. Its official website sells it for $89 a year.

2. Avada


Avada is a powerful and versatile WordPress theme that offers a wide range of unique features designed to help you create stunning and effective websites. The theme is designed with performance and features like lazy loading, image optimization, and minified code.

This helps to ensure that your website loads quickly and efficiently, providing a better user experience and improving your search engine rankings. The team is committed to providing regular updates and improvements to the theme, ensuring it remains at the forefront of WordPress development.

This means you can be confident in your website’s long-term viability and the Avada team’s continued support. Avada offers various customization options, including multiple header and footer layouts, advanced typography settings, and flexible color schemes. This allows you to create a unique and personalized website that reflects your brand and style.


  • 1-Click Demo Importer
  • Advanced Customization Options
  • Integrated WooCommerce Support
  • Performance Optimization
  • Avada Maintenance Mode


Avada is a premium WordPress theme you can download from the ThemeForest marketplace for $69 (one-time fee).

3. TheGem


TheGem is a versatile, high-performance WordPress theme designed to suit many creative uses for building websites. It stands out from the crowd with its impressive selection of over 400+ premade creative demos and 400+ page templates, making it one of the most feature-packed WordPress themes available.

One of TheGem’s unique features is its emphasis on performance. The theme is designed to be fast and efficient, with features like lazy loading and image optimization to ensure your website loads quickly and performs well. This is essential for providing a good user experience and improving search engine rankings.

Another unique feature of TheGem is its integrated WooCommerce support. If you plan to create an online store, TheGem has everything you need to set up and manage your shop, with features like product pages, shopping carts, and checkout processes.


  • 400+ premade creative demos
  • 400+ page templates
  • Emphasis on performance
  • Helpful custom post types
  • Revolution slider and LayerSlider


TheGem is a premium WordPress theme available from the ThemeForest marketplace for $59 (one-time fee).

4. Kadence

Kadence - Enfold theme alternatives

Kadence also includes an advanced header and footer builder that lets you easily create custom headers and footers. You can drag and drop elements to build your website’s perfect header or footer. Since it comes with a lightweight code, you do not need to worry about the impact on the website’s overall performance.

Another unique feature of Kadence is its integrated WooCommerce support. If you’re planning to create an online store, Kadence has everything you need to set up and manage it, including features like product pages, shopping carts, and checkout processes. Hence, if you run an online store or sell services, you should consider Kadence.

With the theme, you can customize every inch of your WordPress website. Via the customizer, you can use the color you want for your website, which font you need to use, what type of layout is ideal, and so on. You do not need to deal with any CSS code to make these modifications.


  • Typography control
  • Layout control
  • AI integration
  • Header customizations
  • SEO optimized


Kadence is a freemium WordPress theme. The lite version can be downloaded from the WordPress themes repository, while the premium version costs $79 a year.

5. OceanWP

oceanwp theme - Enfold theme alternatives

The OceanWP theme is a highly versatile and popular WordPress theme that offers many features and customization options. It’s designed to be lightweight, fast, and highly extendable, making it suitable for various projects, from simple blogs to complex eCommerce websites.

One of OceanWP’s key features is its extensive customization options. The theme provides many settings and controls that allow users to tweak almost every aspect of their site’s design, including headers, footers, sidebars, and more. This level of customization is beneficial for those who want to create a unique and personalized look for their website.

Another standout feature of OceanWP is its integration with WooCommerce, the popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress. The theme provides a seamless and feature-rich experience for those looking to set up an online store, with options like a sticky “Add to Cart” feature, customizable mini cart styles, and more. This makes it an excellent choice for businesses selling products or services online.


  • WooCommerce ready
  • header and top bar
  • Performance optimized
  • Sidebar control
  • Icons


OceanWP is a freemium WordPress theme. The lite version can be downloaded from the repository, while the premium version costs $35 a year.

6. Astra

astra WordPress theme - Enfold theme alternatives

Astra is a popular WordPress theme for its speed, flexibility, and extensive customization options. Designed by Brainstorm Force, it is lightweight, with a frontend file size of less than 50KB, ensuring fast website loading times. This theme is SEO-friendly, featuring Schema.org integration and native AMP readiness, which helps websites rank higher in search engine results.

One of Astra’s standout features is its compatibility with various page builders, including Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Gutenberg. This allows users to create custom page layouts without needing extensive coding knowledge. The theme also offers a wide range of starter templates, with over 280+ options, making it suitable for various websites, from personal blogs to WooCommerce stores.

Astra’s customization options are extensive, allowing users to control the layout of their website, including headers, footers, blogs, and single pages. The theme also integrates with popular plugins like LearnDash and LifterLMS, making it an excellent choice for educational websites.



Astra is a freemium WordPress theme. The lite version can be downloaded from the theme repository, while the premium version costs $49 a year.

7. GeneratePress

generatepress - Enfold theme alternatives

GeneratePress is a lightweight and performance-focused WordPress theme designed to provide users with a fast, efficient, customizable website-building experience. Its clean code and minimalistic design make it an excellent choice for users seeking to improve their website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and overall performance.

GeneratePress prioritizes accessibility and mobile responsiveness, ensuring that websites built with the theme are easily navigable and visually appealing across various devices and screen sizes. Its focus on speed, SEO, and mobile responsiveness makes it a powerful tool for building websites that rank well in search engine results and provide an exceptional user experience.

GeneratePress also offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor your website to your needs and preferences. The theme includes various customization options, including custom colors, fonts, layouts, and more. This makes creating a unique and professional-looking website that stands out easily.


  • First-ever block-based theme builder
  • Dynamic block elements
  • Total design freedom
  • Extensive customization options
  • Compatibility with popular page builders


GeneratePress is a freemium WordPress theme. The lite version can be downloaded from the theme repository, while the premium version costs $59 a year.


When you launch a WordPress website, you must choose the theme carefully. The theme will affect the user experience, so ensure you have made the right choice. In our experience, Enfold is an ideal option for running a magazine blog or a multipurpose website. If you are looking for Enfold theme alternatives, we have mentioned the top seven Enfold theme alternatives here.

Divi would be a great fit if you need to create designs without a hassle. The drag-and-drop editor will make it easy to create custom designs. If you need a theme that will not affect your website’s performance, choose GeneratePress, Astra, or Kadence. Based on your preferences, you can select a theme.

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