WPForms review

WPForms Review: What Features Makes WPForms Unique?

Are you looking for the WPForms review? There are several WordPress form builder plugins available online. But choosing the right one would be a hassle. In this article, we will show you the complete WPForms review and why it is one of the best form builder plugins you should try.

First, let’s see what WPForms is and what it has to offer.

WPForms: An Introduction


If you are looking for an ideal plugin to create contact forms easily, check out WPForms. WPForms is developed by Awesome Motive, a famous WordPress company behind cutting-edge solutions like MonsterInsights, OptinMonster, SeedProd, Easy Digital Downloads, and more.

With the help of WPForms, you can create simple or complex forms, like a payment form. Another thing you will love in the plugin is the integration options. You can integrate third-party email marketing and payment gateway services via the WPForms settings.

Overall, it is one of the best plugins you can use.

WPForms Review

In this WPForms review, we will go through

  • the major features of the plugin
  • how much does it cost
  • how good is their support team
  • how often you can get updates

And so on.

Let’s start this WPForms review by looking into the major WPForms features.


The most popular features of WPForms are:

Below, we will explain how these features will help you.

1. Drag and Drop Editor

When you create forms on your website, you usually use HTML for the structure, CSS for styling, PHP for the form validation, and JavaScript if you need to add calculations or interactions. If you are a beginner, this could be a hassle. With the WPForms plugin, you can use a drag-and-drop form builder to help you easily create forms.

You do not need to deal with any coding. Once you have installed the plugin, you can start creating new forms. There is no limit on how many forms you can make. Inside the editor, on the left-hand side, you can see the available fields. The right-hand side will show the live preview of the form.

Creating those would be easy since you do not need coding to customize the form.

2. Payment Gateway Integration

You might need to accept payments online if you run an online business. You can accept payments through your website if you do not need to use third-party platforms just for the payments. WPForms can be integrated with the most popular payment gateway services, such as

  • Authorize.net
  • PayPal
  • Square
  • Stripe

And so on.

After integrating your forms, you can directly accept payments via the forms. The money will be deposited into Stripe or PayPal accounts, and you can handle the funds from the payment processor.

3. Email Marketing Service Integration

Studies show that more than 90% of website visitors won’t return to the website. This can negatively affect your website/profits as a blogger or business owner. Email marketing is the only way to protect your business from this issue.

Some people will show email subscription pop-ups when visitors visit the website. Tools like OptinMonster can display email pop-ups. Another tool you need is an email marketing service provider like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, MailerLite, GetResponse, and so on.

With the email marketing service integration options available with WPForms, you can automate the list-building process. The plugin can be integrated with email marketing tools like:

  • AWeber
  • Authorize.net
  • GetResponse
  • Campaign Monitor
  • ActiveCampaign
  • ConvertKit

And so on.

The integration process is simple; you do not need to write code. You can complete the integration with the help of API keys. Once you have completed the integration, you can add this option to the forms.

So when someone submits the contact forms available on your website, the email address will be added automatically to your subscriber list. This is an easy way to increase your subscriber count.

4. Spam Protection

These days, most people and businesses use contact forms for spamming. Bots and software are available just to send spam emails to targeted people and websites. While handling a blog or a store, you must keep spam away from your inbox so you won’t miss out on important emails.

WPForms has multiple strategies to protect your forms from spam.

With the spam protection feature, you can add reCAPTCHA by Google to the forms. Users must verify they are not robots to send the email when you add this. Otherwise, the email won’t be delivered to the owner’s inbox. Besides this, you can also use their custom captcha option.

With this feature, you can add math questions to the form.

Adding these functions to the form will help you reduce spam.

5. File Uploads

A file upload field would be handy when accepting recruits or something similar. This way, the candidates can upload their resumes or CVs to the email and send them to you. With the file uploads field in the WPForms plugin, you can easily allow users to upload files via the form.

You will have total control over the field. For example, you can choose the max allowed file size a user can submit via the form and the file types. It is an excellent feature.

6. Online Signature Collection

Sometimes, you need to let your visitors sign digitally. This is possible with WPForms. With the online signature add-on, you can collect the signatures of your website visitors or customers. Users can sign in using the mouse or the touchscreen. This is one of the advanced features offered by the WPForms plugin.

7. Zapier Integration

Zapier is an online service that helps you integrate one tool with another. It has over 5,000 apps, and you can integrate your app/service with any tool you need. Since WPForms comes with Zapier integration, you can easily enhance the plugin’s features.

For example, if you need to move all your form submissions to any other service like Google Sheets, you can use the Zapier integration. This way, you do not need to transfer the data manually. The tool will take care of it.

8. Form Templates

Creating a form from scratch can take some time. You need to find the correct fields, tweak them, change the styling, etc. However, the WPForms plugin comes with a dedicated pre-designed templates option. The developers of WPForms have created many templates that you can easily import to your website.

All the templates are customizable, and you can tweak them to fit your preferences. The free version of the plugin will give users access to basic forms. If you have the premium version plugin, you can access the form templates add-on, unlocking thousands of pre-made forms.

9. User Registration

Suppose you are running a customer-centric business and must accept new user registrations. In that case, displaying the default WordPress user registration page on the front end won’t be a good idea. The default user registration page is good, but it is not great. To improve your brand’s reputation, you can create a custom user registration form with WPForms and embed it on any page you need.

For example, you can design a page with the Elementor plugin and embed the user registration form there.


WPForms is a freemium WordPress plugin. The free version can be downloaded from the plugin repository. The lite version has limited features. If you need more unique features, consider upgrading to the premium version.

They have four pricing options.

WPForms pricing

  • Basic – $49.50 a year – 1 Website License
  • Plus – $99.50 a year – 3 Website Licenses
  • Pro – $199.50 a year – 5 Website Licenses
  • Elite – $299.50 a Year – Unlimited Licenses

You can choose a plan according to your preferences. All the subscriptions come with a 14-day money-back guarantee. So, if you do not like the tool, you can get a complete refund.

Support and Updates

You will receive limited support if you use the lite version of the plugin. When you need help, open the support forum from the WordPress plugins repository and create a new thread.

WPForms support forum

One of their support team will help you with the issue. If you are a premium plugin user, you will get priority support and updates. You can create a support ticket from your account’s dashboard, and one of their staff will help you within a business day.

How to Use WPForms for Creating Forms

For this tutorial, we will be using the free version of WPForms. The first thing you need to do is install and activate WPForms from the plugin repository.

Once you have activated the plugin, you can see its settings on the left-hand side.

WPForms options

Go to the forms option and start creating your first form.

add new form

Now, you will be redirected to the form builder. There, you need to choose a name for the form. Next, choose a template. You can select a blank template or a pre-designed one.

choose form template

From the next page, you can start customizing the form.

WPForms builder

On the left-hand side, you can see all the available fields. The right side will show you the live preview of the form. When adding new fields, you can drag and drop them in the preview wizard.

Once you have finished customization, save the form.

You can embed a form using the dedicated WPForms block or the custom shortcode. In this case, we will use the Gutenberg block. Once you have opened the editor, search for the WPForms block. After finding it, choose the form you need to display.

WPForms embedded

Within a few seconds, the form would be embedded.

That’s it!

As you can see, creating forms with WPForms is simple.

Get Started with WPForms

You can get the premium version of WPForms from below.

Get Started with WPForms


Having a contact form on your WordPress blog or WooCommerce store is mandatory. Since contact forms are the #1 way customers can contact the store owner, you should always look for the best form builder with unique features. As you can see in this article, WPForms is one of the best tools available to create contact forms on your WordPress website.

The plugin has several unique features that help you easily create simple or complex forms. The lite version would be an ideal option when starting with basic forms. As your business grows, you can upgrade to the premium version.

Would you choose WPForms to create contact forms on your website?

Let us know in the comments.

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