7 Best Easy Digital Downloads Alternatives You Should Know

7 Best Easy Digital Downloads Alternatives You Should Know

Are you looking for the best Easy Digital Downloads alternatives? This post will show the seven best plugins for efficiently running an online store.

But before going further, let’s see what to look for in Easy Digital Downloads alternatives.

What to Look for In Easy Digital Downloads Alternatives

When you are looking for an Easy Digital Downloads alternative, consider these factors:

  • Integration options: Check if the plugin supports any integration options. If the plugin has integrations, you can enhance the site’s features and sell more stuff.
  • Pricing: You do not need to choose a super-expensive tool for your business. Multiple free and affordable plugins are available to launch your online store.
  • Support: Contact the support team to help with the plugin or its configuration. Ensure the plugin has a responsive customer support team that can help you on the go.
  • Reports: To understand your business’s performance, refer to the analytics and sales reports. Most eCommerce plugins have built-in reports features.
  • Transaction fees: If the plugin has a transaction fee, you should know about it. In most cases, there won’t be any transaction fees once you have purchased a plugin. Only the payment gateways will charge you a fee.

Now that you know what to look for in EDD alternatives, the following section will move to the article’s core, listing the top seven tools you should try.

Best Easy Digital Downloads Alternatives

The top seven Easy Digital Downloads alternatives are:

  • WooCommerce
  • Ecwid eCommerce
  • Download Manager
  • Download Monitor
  • SureCart
  • Simple Download Monitor
  • Easy Peasy Digital Downloads

Each plugin has unique features and integrations. Below, we explain how these plugins can help you run an online store. You can choose a plugin based on your preferences and requirements.

Without any further ado, let’s get into the list.

1. WooCommerce


If you are looking for the #1 plugin for running an online store, check WooCommerce. With the help of the WooCommerce plugin, you can quickly run a physical or digital store. Over 7 million people use this plugin to create and manage an online store. Since experts developed the plugin, there won’t be any issues or compatibility problems.

Setting up WooCommerce is simple. Once you have activated the plugin, you will receive a step-by-step setup wizard. You can review it to configure the store and optimize it for customers. Since several third-party plugins are available, enhancing your website’s features would be simple.

For example, if you check the WordPress plugins repository, you will find thousands of plugins that can enhance the WooCommerce store. Some of them are free, and others are freemium. The reporting feature is another excellent section you will like. It lets you understand how many sales you made, how much revenue you got, etc.



WooCommerce is a free plugin that can be downloaded from the WordPress plugin repository. If you need to enhance the store’s features, use the available third-party add-ons.

2. Ecwid eCommerce

ecwid eCommerce

The following tool we have for you is Ecwid eCommerce. This is your best choice if you prefer a plugin with quick configuration options. Ecwid eCommerce will help you automate shipping, payment, and tax calculations so the store owner doesn’t need to spend too much time on them. The main advantage of the plugin is the automatic updates.

Ecwid eCommerce also comes with lightweight code. So, if you are worried about your website’s speed, this plugin won’t cause any issues. Since Google considers website traffic one of the ranking factors, optimizing the website for speed is mandatory. Another essential feature you will love is the plugin’s security.

The development team releases regular plugin updates, and if you turn on the automatic updates function, the plugin will automatically be updated to the latest version. You do not need to do anything manually, which can save a lot of time. With the Facebook and Instagram integration, you can also sell on those social media platforms.


  • Automatic updates
  • Quick set up
  • Optimized for speed
  • Highly secured
  • Tax calculations


Ecwid eCommerce is a freemium plugin. You can see the free version of the tool by checking the WordPress plugins repository. The premium version plugin will cost you $21 a month.

3. Download Manager

download manager - Easy Digital Downloads alternatives

If you plan to start an online store to sell digital files, check out Download Manager. This Plugin has many features that will help you run the perfect online store to sell digital products. One of the main features this plugin offers is file protection. The whole media library will be protected; no third party can download the files without authorization.

This will help you save revenue by restricting unwanted downloads. Download Manager can also be integrated with third-party cloud storage. For example, the plugin can be integrated with services like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box.com, OneDrive, etc. You can use these cloud storage services to store your downloadable content.

As the store owner, you can control the content’s download speed. This could be ideal if you create multiple plans/subscriptions with different download speeds. From the analytics section, you can see who’s downloading the content and how many times the content is being downloaded.


  • Custom post type
  • File protection
  • Cloud storage support
  • Download speed control
  • Captcha protection


Download Manager is a freemium product. The free version can be downloaded from the WordPress plugin repository, while the premium version starts at $99 a year.

4. Download Monitor

download monitor

This is another plugin for selling digital products on WordPress: Download Monitor. Download Monitor has several features that can help you run eCommerce stores efficiently. The plugin is compatible with Gutenberg so that you can run it without any compatibility issues.

Multiple extensions are available, such as Gravity Forms gated content, page add-on, email lock, Mailchimp download after sign-up, etc. With these add-ons, you can enhance the features of your eCommerce store. For example, you can increase your email subscribers using the Mailchimp add-on.

You can also restrict downloads from the plugin settings. The categorization options allow you to categorize your media files with custom taxonomies. This is ideal for managing a huge online store with hundreds or thousands of digital files.


  • Downloads tracking
  • File protection
  • Email leads
  • Gutenberg compatible
  • Downloads restrictions


Download Monitor is a freemium WordPress plugin. The free version can be downloaded from the WordPress plugins repository, while the premium version costs $39 a year.

5. SureCart

surecart - Easy Digital Downloads alternatives

If you need a feature-rich plugin to run an online store, check out SureCart. The plugin allows you to sell physical products, digital items, subscriptions, accept donations, or collect payments. Since this is an all-in-one solution, SureCart would be the best fit for most store owners. The plugin also comes with a drag-and-drop editor.

With the drag-and-drop editor, you can easily customize the checkout page. Customizing the checkout page is mandatory to ensure maximum conversion rates. Another thing you will like in the plugin is the cart abandonment recovery options. If a customer leaves the website without completing the purchase, the plugin will try to recover the lost sale.

With this function, you can increase conversion rates and overall revenue. SureCart is also optimized for developers. If you need to enhance the plugin’s features with some codes, you can hire a developer and customize them. This plugin offers multiple third-party integration options, which will help you simplify the ordering task and store management.



SureCart is a freemium plugin. You can download the free version from the repository. To get the premium version, you must spend $19 monthly.

6. Simple Download Monitor

simple download monitor - Easy Digital Downloads alternatives

If you need a simple yet highly customizable eCommerce plugin to sell digital files, check Simple Download Monitor. With the help of the Simple Download Monitor plugin, you can quickly sell digital products from your website. The main thing we like about the plugin is the customization options. The customization tools allow you to add or remove downloads from the plugin’s settings.

You can use the dedicated shortcodes if you need to embed the files somewhere on your websites. This way, you do not need to use dedicated page builders or edit the template files to embed the downloadable content. You can drag and drop files to upload them as downloadable content.

The plugin also comes with multiple tracking options. For example, the Simple Download Monitor plugin will track the visitor’s IP address, date and time of each file download, user agents, referral URLs, and so on.


  • Form customization
  • Shortcodes
  • IP address tracking
  • Download Counter
  • Visitor’s country tracking


Simple Download Monitor is a free plugin, and you can download it from the WordPress plugins repository.

7. Easy Peasy Digital Downloads

easy peasy digital downloads - Easy Digital Downloads alternatives

If you need a plugin to create detailed sales reports, check out Easy Peasy Digital Downloads. This would be a better tool for advanced users. The plugin can be integrated with the Lemon Squeezy service and bring the features to the WordPress dashboard. Since the plugin is also optimized for the Gutenberg editor, you can use it without issues.

The reporting feature will help you understand how the sales are going. The filtering option allows you to filter results based on days, months, or custom periods. You can use the same plugin to sell software licensing. Overall, it is one of the best Easy Digital Downloads alternatives.


  • Reports
  • Filtering option
  • Easy integration
  • Gutenberg optimized
  • Sell licenses


Easy Peasy Dogotyal Downloads is a free plugin. You can get it from the WordPress plugins repository.


When you use WordPress as your CMS, starting a website or eCommerce store is simple. Multiple plugins are available to start an online store. In our experience, Easy Digital Downloads is one of the best tools for selling digital products online. It comes with easy configurations and cutting-edge features.

This article lists seven popular options if you are looking for feasible alternatives to Easy Digital Downloads. The best option here is WooCommerce. Since it can be scaled as you grow, this would be an ideal option for every eCommerce store.

However, you can choose any plugin you like based on your requirements.

Which plugin are you going to use?

Let us know in the comments!

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